Now that our office has obtained a resonance vial that corresponds with an immune defense deficit in the presence of SARS-COV-2 energy frequency, I’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to learn as much as I can about this new species of pathogen. On this blog, I wish to share some of my preliminary clinical findings.
Before I share what I have found, I want to ask a question: what is a virus? Is it alive? Is it dead? When I ask these bodies what a virus truly is, it comes out as neither. So if a virus isn’t alive and isn’t dead… what is it?
From the thefreedictionary.com: “a. Any of various submicroscopic agents that infect living organisms, often causing disease, and that consist of a single or double strand of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.” (emphasis mine)
Viruses are not seeking survival because they are not alive. They replicate inside of host cells so they remain in circulation. Let me ask the question in a different way: What is the purpose of viruses? Or Why do viruses exist? After reflecting on this question for many years in clinical practice, I have concluded that viruses exist to train human immune systems properly. When a person encounters a virus, information encoded as DNA or RNA is transferred to that person. This transfer of data is sometimes met with ease and sometimes with violent resistance. Either way, when the virus infects a person their immune system is activated. The immune system goes to work cleansing out the viral infection and if it is successful, the person is stronger! Think of it the same way if you want to increase strength in a muscle- you challenge it by lifting weights. This stresses the tissue and it becomes stronger. The same is true for the immune system. Take a look at Brandy Vaughn’s website that supports the fact that measles lowers your risk of things like Parkinson’s and cancer.
Data finding 1: The threat level of the novel coronavirus is on average 4 out of 10. Younger bodies and bodies with high vitality immune systems rate it lower, around 2. Bodies that are older (60+ years old) or bodies with immune systems that are low vitality tend to rate it at a threat level of 6. The statistics appear to be correct in this case, for the average age of death is 80 years old. It is my suspicion that those who passed away from the infection also had other chronic immune burdens that were tying them down.
Data finding 2: The virus incubation period is about 10 days until a person becomes symptomatic. However, (here’s the bad part) the person is contagious at around day 6. That means 4 days where the person can walk around and infect other people and they have no idea. If the immune system is enhanced with natural remedies in time, the person will cease from being symptomatic quickly or never become symptomatic at all.
Am I saying we should ignore this virus? No, certainly not. But what we must do is look at it through a different lens that transitions away from fear. Yes, this novel coronavirus will challenge the immune system, but it does not outwardly seem any more dangerous than a run-of-the-mill influenza.
More updates to come. Stay tuned.
We do a complimentary energetic check for coronavirus defense deficit with every visit!
Dr. Dan McDonald